My suggestion is difficult but extremely worth while. I think that you should make a new world for this. It should be complete spawn, except for items like Tokhaar-Kal, and firecape, make those earnable, or for donators. I know the complete spawn part is stupid, but here is what you do. Make a low tier weapons like up to bandos and claws/ags for non donators, for regular donator allow them to spawn Vesta's and the other gear, and for extreme donator make them able to spawn the nex armour. Than make "Super Donator" and allow them to spawn auras, everything else mentioned, subjugation, blessed spirit shields, overloads, custom yell, custom title, extra pkps for rares, glaivens, etc, the Saradomin's necklaces (Hiss, Murmur, Etc) This is the most preferred and rare rsps out there atm, it is risky but the reward is well worth it, you want to make the Donator prices like regular for 10, extreme for 20, and Super for 50, Phats like 20 each, and whatever you want really, but this is the most profitable servers, and in my opinion most fun. I know this is a lot to ask for and most likely will not happen, but it would be pretty bad ass.